When you’re dealing with a troubled teen boy, sometimes you can’t handle it on your own. Your best efforts are not always enough to solve your son’s problems and you may need the help of a professional. At that point, it’s time to look for a residential treatment center.
A residential treatment center, also known as a therapeutic boarding school, is an institution that invites troubled teens to live on the premises where they can engage in a variety of activities. The very best centers will ensure troubled boys are enrolled in academics, extracurricular and experiential activities, and therapy sessions. They’ll also be encouraged to interact with other boys to gain social skills that will help them overcome their difficulties.
These centers are run by licensed professionals who have studied and experienced the best methods for dealing with teenage struggles. These professionals also encourage strong parental support and relationship counseling to ensure longer lasting relationships.
Some of the most important things to look for in a great residential treatment center include the following:
Treatment of a Variety of Problems
At Sundance Canyon Academy, we offer a unique and innovative approach to addressing concerns for boys who suffer from:
Substance abuse
Executive functioning
Family discord
Social/self-esteem issues
Academic or developmental difficulties
Allowing your boys to work with others who may be experiencing similar issues is paramount in their rehabilitation.
Adequate Licensing for the Program and Employees
Our program is licensed by the Utah Department of Human Services as a qualified residential treatment center for boys aged 13 to 17 years. We employ only Ph.D. and Masters level therapists and teachers to ensure that your children are getting the best treatment and education possible.
Extracurricular Activities
Along with academics, we also offer plenty of extracurricular and experiential activities, including music therapy, culinary arts, recreation therapy, and outdoor education programs. We recognize how important these forms of socialization are for instilling teamwork and social skills in your boys.
Parental Involvement
Boys in our program typically only live with us between six and nine months before returning home. When they do, they need a great relationship with their parents to help them get on their feet. We offer heavy parental integration including family weekends, weekly progress reports with the family, an established parent advocacy group, and an environment of parental participation.
Treating the Problem, Not the Symptoms
Unlike most treatment centers, we treat the underlying problems, not just the symptoms. Instead of focusing on behavioral modification, we analyze individual behaviors and determine the underlying cause. When we treat the root problem, the healing results are always more satisfying and long lasting.
Sundance Canyon Academy is one residential treatment center that ensures an excellent experience for both teenage boys and their parents. Located just minutes from Salt Lake City and Park City, Utah, we’re able to offer boys an integrated, helpful experience that can help to alter the course of teenage lives. For more information about our program, click Here.