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Boys Military Schools and Boot Camps in Massachusetts

Are you a Massachusetts parent who is frustrated and worried about your teenage son? If he is struggling with behavioral and emotional problems, or even certain mental health issues, it often means that he is not functioning well at school or at home. When teens are exhibiting severe behavioral issues, it can cause major disruption in their surroundings as well as their own healthy development. Instead of turning to boys military schools and boot camps in Massachusetts, consider what kind of program your son actually needs. For top professional therapeutic help, loot at Sundance Canyon Academy, a safe and supportive teen help facility that helps boys from Massachusetts and every other state.

If your teen has failed to respond to any of your efforts to help him turn his life around, give him the chance to come to Sundance Canyon Academy. You can speak with a qualified professional by calling 1-866-678-2425.

Why Sundance Canyon Academy?

If you’ve decided to look into residential therapy programs, you may be asking yourself why you should consider Sundance Academy. It may be your first instinct to start the research process with boys military schools and boot camps in Massachusetts. However, there are many advantages to picking a teen help program that is outside of Massachusetts and isn’t structured like the military. Sundance Canyon Academy is a live-in treatment center located in northern Utah, and has been helping troubled teens overcome their issues more effectively than boys military schools and boot camps in Massachusetts for many years.

The other advantage about enrolling your son in a Utah teen help program is that you will know he is in good hands. Why? Because each state has set rules and regulations regarding the teen help industries that operate within their borders. Some are more strict than others in dealing with factors such as accreditation, licensing and safety measures. Utah currently has the strictest, most comprehensive laws in the nation, making it popular among parents of troubled teens. At Sundance Canyon Academy, we want to encourage you to consider us among your many options available throughout the country.

Benefits of Programs Other Than Military Schools in Massachusetts

While some worried parents may feel like the discipline of a military school is just what their child needs, the truth is that long-term residential treatment centers and therapeutic boarding schools do a much better job of treating teens with emotional, mental health or behavioral issues. Military schools don’t deal in therapeutic treatments and therefore the troubled teens will never learn about the root of their issues, nor how to effectively deal with them. Long-term treatment centers like Sundance Canyon Academy have a much better success rate in helping teen boys get back on the right track.

There are several benefits of residential therapy centers and schools like Sundance Canyon Academy, including

  1. The new surroundings give teen boys a place to work on their issues without the burden of old triggers and temptations.

  2. Teens and parents get some temporary distance from each other while they work on their individuals issues.

  3. Each boy is guided, coached and treated by professionals dedicated to helping them make the most out of their time in the program.

  4. Individual and group therapy is a key part of the therapeutic environment designed to help boys gain healthy coping skills.

  5. Recreation and social activities boost self-esteem and encourage positive behavior.

There’s no doubt that short-term programs like boot camps for boys in Connecticut, or military schools for teens who don’t need therapy, are beneficial in their own way, but boys boot camps and military schools in Connecticut may not have all the advantages that a dedicated program like Sundance Canyon Academy offers.

Issues Encountered by Teens Without Help From Boarding Schools in Connecticut and Elsewhere

Teens who don’t receive therapy are often stuck in unhappy cycles of frustration , pain and confusion. Sometimes, the only way they know how to break out is to engage in potentially dangerous behavior. This behavior is never age appropriate and it can get the teenager into trouble with authority, and can even be dangerous to themselves or others. Here is a short list of some of the tip risky behaviors from troubled teens in Connecticut:

  1. Alcohol is abused by 33% of Connecticut teens with 14% admitting to binge drinking.

  2. 34% of teens use marijuana and 4% use other illicit drugs.

  3. In 2018, there were over 650 juvenile arrests for crimes such as property crime, drug abuse, and aggravated assault.

  4. Suicide: Connecticut ranks 46th in the nation for teen suicides.

  5. Only 87% of teens complete high school.

If your teen son’s behavior is putting him at risk, and jeopardizing his future, it’s time to do what you can to get him enrolled in a rehabilitation program that specializes in his specific issue. Sundance Canyon Academy believes that every teen deserves a second chance, and we’ve got the success record to prove that we are really making a difference.

Choose Sundance Canyon Academy Over Boot Camps and Military Schools in Connecticut

At Sundance Canyon Academy, we have developed a unique relationship-based therapy system that helps students to locate and resolve their emotional, behavioral or mental health problems. We make it a priority to put our students needs first in a safe and supportive environment where they can get the help they need. Thanks to a variety of therapy options, an accredited academic program and life skills opportunities, we’ve emerged as one of the top teen help programs around.

It’s very difficult for parents like you to turn your child over to a residential program. Sundance Canyon Academy also knows that dealing with your troubled teen has been painful and frustrating, and you are ready for some positive changes. We want to help guide you through the process of selecting a program that is a good fit for your son and gives you peace of mind. While the boys military schools and boot camps in Massachusetts would keep your son close to home, we urge you to remember that location is not as important as making sure that your son is in the best hands possible.

Please call Sundance Canyon Academy at 1-866-678-2425 to learn more about the ways we can help your troubled teenage son.

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