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Therapeutic Boarding Schools in Hawaii


Hawaii may seem like the type of place where troubles fade away, but many Hawaiian teenagers struggle with emotional, behavioral and mental health issues. When your teen son isn’t finding success in traditional schools and is engaging in risky behavior that is harmful to himself and his future, it’s time to look at therapeutic boarding schools in Hawaii and other states. Sundance Canyon Academy is a unique therapeutic boarding school that blends academics and therapy in a safe and structured environment. Teen boys with emotional, behavioral and mental health issues can get the professional help they need here.

For questions about Sundance Canyon Academy, please call us today at 866-678-2425 for a free consultation.

Benefits of Therapeutic Boarding Schools for Troubled Teens

Therapeutic boarding schools and residential treatment centers are specifically designed to help troubled teens get their lives back on track when they can no longer be in traditional school or home setting. As frustrating and scary as it is to send a teen away to school, often it’s the best choice. Teens sometimes need a new environment, away form all their bad habits and triggers, to decide they want to change their lives. Rather than having parents and teachers punish bad behavior without addressing the causes, therapeutic boarding schools get to the heart of the matter and work on healing emotional, behavioral and mental health problems that each teen is facing.

Sundance Canyon Academy can provide the level of care and attention to detail your teen needs. Thanks to the support and care of our licensed and certified staff members, teen boys get support and guidance on how they can achieve long-term recovery. Here are some of the unique advantages that Sundance Canyon Academy offers over therapeutic boarding schools in Hawaii.

  1. Professional Therapy: Licensed and experienced therapists hold individual and group sessions with each boy to analyze what’s going on inside. Once a foundation is created, the therapist works with the teens to outline a particular plan for healing.

  2. Academic Support: Our therapeutic boarding school has national accreditation and we give students some of the best academic help. Certified teachers can work with teen boys on grade repair, reaching and staying at grade level, and working toward a high school diploma.

  3. Relationship Repair: By the time teens come to therapeutic boarding school, they have damaged family and friendly relationships. Our program teaches them how to rebuild and repair relationships at home, school and in the community. They also get a chance to benefit from positive peer pressure and the guidance of experienced mentors on how to make and sustain healthy relationships of all types.

  4. Recreation Therapy: Teen boys at Sundance Canyon Academy get to learn new hobbies and participate in adventure activities to boost self-esteem, make and achieve goals and have fun in a healthy and positive way.

  5. Life Skills: Most of the students attending our program are struggling to transition from adolescence to adulthood, and our life skills focus gives them a chance to find success. Skills like cooking, cleaning, budgeting, leadership, and more help these boys go from troubled boys to fine young men.

There’s no doubt that Sundance Canyon Academy is the right place for troubled boys from Hawaii. While there are plenty of ten help programs out there, it pays to do the research and find out why so many parents choose Sundance Canyon Academy to help their troubled teen boys. We believe every boy can be helped, and we welcome teens from across the country.

Risky Behavior From Teen Boys In Hawaii

Despite every parent’s best efforts, troubled teen boys in Hawaii often get into trouble via risky behavior. When the behavior is bad enough to cause harm to the teen or to others, parents need to step in and get professional help. Without serious therapy, teens try to handle their emotional, behavioral or mental health issues on their own, by numbing themselves to the pain and fear. Most risky behavior results in negative consequences that can jeopardize a teen’s health, wellness and future. Here are just a few risky behaviors in Hawaii that teens face:

  1. Alcohol use: 29% of Hawaii teens use alcohol

  2. Drug use: For Hawaii teens, marijuana use is 13.7% while other illicit drug use is 5.9%

  3. Juvenile arrests: In one year, there were 1,405 arrests for property crime and 264 arrests for violent crime

  4. Suicide: Hawaii ranks 8th in the nation for teen suicide

  5. Graduation rate: Only 80% of Hawaii teens graduate from high school

Risky behavior is a cry for help and teens who are dealing with these kinds of issues can’t make changes on their own. Therapeutic boarding schools like Sundance Canyon Academy provide a safe and secure environment with intensive therapy that brings consistency and eliminates insecurities and fear. Our philosophy is that teens need to be at the center of their own recovery, and we are ready to help them.

Why Sundance Canyon Academy?

Sundance Canyon Academy is a highly successful therapeutic boarding school that has helped hundreds of troubled teen boys overcome negative behaviors associated with all kinds of issues, from anxiety and depression to anger and abuse trauma. Unlike therapeutic boarding schools in Hawaii, our location in Utah means that we comply with some of the highest regulation standards for the teen help industry in the country. Many states enact differing levels of laws for teen therapy programs, and Utah is one of the toughest. Many parents gain peace of mind knowing their son is enrolled at Sundance Canyon Academy, with high standards and many years of success.

Sundance Canyon Academy is different than many other therapeutic boarding schools in our treatment approach. Many schools just focus on stopping bad behavior via behavior modification programs and practices. We believe that professional therapy is the key to eliminating a boy’s bad behavior. If we can treat the heart of the problem, teens will adjust their behavior because they aren’t acting out in frustration, pain or confusion. In other words, we like to think about healing each teen boy from the inside out. Our approach has proven successful over many years, and we combine it with top academic help and lots of outstanding recreation and life skills. Sundance Canyon Academy can be a great choice for troubled teen boys from Hawaii and across the country.

Sundance Canyon Academy is a Better Choice Than Therapeutic Boarding Schools In Hawaii For Troubled Teen Boys

Sundance Canyon Academy serves troubled teens from Hawaii and other states, and we feel that we are one of the best programs in the country. Because our program is different from many other therapeutic boarding schools in Hawaii, we encourage parents to really do their research and see whether we are the right choice for their teenage sons. Those troubled teens who attend Sundance Canyon Academy are able to succeed to the best of their abilities and the skills they learn with us will help them for the rest of their lives. We take the partnership with parents over the care and healing of their sons very seriously. We want every family to get the help they need to see their teen son succeed. Please call us today for a free consultation at 1-866-678-2425.

Sundance Canyon Academy Helps Troubled Teens Throughout Hawaii, Including The Following Cities:

Honolulu, Pearl City, Hilo, Kailua, Kahului, Kaneohe, Waipahu, Ewa Gentry, Kihei, Makakilo, Waimalu, Halawa, Waianae, Nanakuli, Lahaina, Waipio, Kapaa, Kalaoa, Waimea, Kula, Laie, Kalaheo, Pupukea, Hauula, Kilauea

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